SCS Spring Meeting 2023
«Chemistry and Physics of the Atmosphere»
SCS Spring Meeting 2023
«Chemistry and Physics of the Atmosphere»
The Swiss Chemical Society Spring Meeting is a one day symposium and provides a high quality program with national and international speakers of a certain topic. The topic of the 2023 symposium was «Chemistry and Physics of the Atmosphere».
While the discussion about climate change focuses in wide parts on the role of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, there are multiple further constituents, processes and interactions, which find less interest or understanding in the public and science community. Still, they contribute equally to forecastable, global atmospheric developments affecting all of us. Topics such as the global impact of the anthropogenic nitrogen cycle on the environment, surface - atmosphere exchange processes, characterization of the chemical composition of (organic) aerosol particles and organic trace gases, chemical reactions at aerosol particles, geochemistry of CO2 mineralization, or the mitigation of atmospheric CO2 by catalytic conversion into fuel are just a few examples. To unravel and to understand the respective processes is the goal of the field of Chemistry and Physics of the Atmosphere. The Spring Meeting gathers experts from all these fields, and others, of chemical or physical nature, with the aim of providing the non-experts insights into a science probably less known to many of us but of utmost importance for our future.
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Claudia Mohr, University of Stockholm
Prof. Markus Kalberer, University of Basel
Prof. David Fowler, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Prof. Thomas Peter, ETH Zurich
Prof. Joachim Curtius, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Prof. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Central European University
Prof. Jürg Matter, University of Southampton
Prof. Robert Schlögl, Max-Planck Institut
Werner Prize Winner 2023:
Prof. Victor Mougel, ETH Zurich
Former SCS Spring Meetings